Are You Controlling? I Don’t Know.

A Poem

Jade Willow
Jul 14, 2021
Photo by Agni B on Unsplash

Are you controlling?
I don’t know.

I just know that my soul keeps folding
And I’m losing myself

I ask him
I ask her
And they tell me different things
But I feel nothing
Which makes everything so bleak

How do you know when you’re being controlled?
How do you know when it’s everything you’ve known?

They could be good
They could be evil
But you never know
Because you’re stuck
Until you encounter an upheaval

Clarity is gone
My mental peace is something unknown
Do I need to be saved?
I dont know.

Jade Willow | Eccentric Poetry Series



Jade Willow

Jade Willow enjoys writing eccentric poetry for her readers. She also enjoys cups of tea, books, comfy socks, and comfy chairs.